Implant Supported Dentures in Chandler, AZ

Canyon State Dental, in Chandler, AZ  your general and cosmetic dentistry team.

Say Goodbye To Denture Worries With Implant Supported Dentures In Chandler, AZ

Are you tired of denture problems? Don’t worry- Our implant-supported dentures in Chandler, AZ, at Canyon State Dental are the perfect choice for you. Implant-supported dentures are a remarkable dental advancement that provides stability, comfort, and a natural-looking smile. Whether you’ve been struggling with ill-fitting dentures or you are seeking a better alternative, Chandler implant-supported dentures may be the solution you’ve been searching for.

Signs That You Need Implant-Supported Dentures

Are implant-supported dentures right for you? Here are some signs that indicate it might be time to consider this life-changing dental treatment:

  • Uncomfortable Dentures: If your traditional dentures cause discomfort, sore spots, or constantly slip, implant-supported dentures can offer the stability and comfort you’ve been missing.
  • Difficulty Eating: Chewing food with traditional dentures can be challenging. Implant-supported dentures allow you to enjoy your favorite foods without limitations.
  • Speech Problems: Traditional dentures can affect speech, causing slurred or mumbled words. Implant-supported dentures provide stability, helping you speak clearly and confidently.
  • Loose Dentures: If your dentures frequently become loose or fall out, implant-supported dentures securely anchor to dental implants, eliminating embarrassing moments.
  • Bone Loss: Missing teeth can lead to bone loss in your jaw. Implants used with dentures can help preserve your bone structure, maintaining a youthful facial appearance.
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Types Of Implant-Supported Dentures At Canyon State Dental

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Our dentist in Chandler, AZ, we offer two different types of implant-supported dentures:

  • Bar-Retained Dentures: Bar-retained denture technology includes a custom-made bar that fits across your jaw and attaches to the implants. The dentures are then securely fastened to this bar, providing excellent stability and support. This option is ideal for patients seeking a durable solution that offers easy maintenance. Your dentures will clip on for a comfortable and secure fit. Say goodbye to constantly shifting teeth!
  • Ball-Retained Dentures: This design allows easy removal and cleaning while delivering a stable and snug fit. Ball-retained dentures may be the right choice if you prefer a more comfortable and convenient option. Snap your denture into the implant, and you’ll never have to settle for uncomfortable dentures again!

Book An Appointment With Our Dentists In Chandler, AZ, Today!

Don’t let denture discomfort and insecurity hold you back any longer. Experience the benefits of implant-supported dentures in Chandler, AZ. Our Chandler dental team is dedicated to providing top-notch dental care, and we take pride in restoring our patients’ confidence and quality of life.

To take the first step towards a more comfortable and confident smile, book an appointment with our experienced dentists today. Say goodbye to denture worries and hello to a brighter, more secure future with Chandler implant-supported dentures. Contact us now to schedule your consultation and discover how we can transform your smile.

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General and cosmetic dentistry can seem daunting. Between the big bills, outdated offices & equipment, staff you’re not sure you can trust, and long wait times, you may have put off treating your smile for longer than you'd like. You and your family deserve better. At Canyon State Dental in Chandler, AZ, we're focused on efficient treatment, kind and comfortable care, and convenient dental care options for busy families. You don’t have to settle for mediocre care anymore. With our team of experts, getting the smile you deserve is easier than it seems!

Call Canyon State Dental in Chandler, AZ, your local family dentist, at 602.834.0377 to schedule an appointment today!

Our location: 2925 East Riggs Road, Suite 2-3, Chandler, AZ 85249.